July 12 - July 25, 2006

Crew 7-13 F2 Trek Photos
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 On the trail to Vaca camp


 Loading shotgun shells at Harlan camp


 Shotgun shooting


 Philmont gourmet cuisine


 Burro racing at Harlan camp


 The winning burro


 Crew F2 at Deer Lake


 Stone thrones at Ute Springs


 Aspen grove at Lambert's Mine


 Contention mine tour at Cypher's Mine


 Iron man contest at Cypher's Mine


 The "Stomp"


 Blacksmithing at Cypher's


 Mt. Phillips Sunrise


 Lead adult at Mt. Phillips


 Crew chief at Mt. Phillips


 Black powder rifle at Clear Creek


 Hatchet throwing


 Two out of two


 Beaver dance at Clear Creek beaver pond


 Airplane crash on Trail Peak


 Great view on Trail Peak


 Conservation project on Bonita Peak


 Boot branding


 Mexican dinner at Abreu


 Goat milking


 Catching chickens


 More chickens


 Mexican cantina at Abreu


 Spar pole climbing at Crater Lake


 More spar pole climbing


 Crew on Schafer Peak


 Lady Bug convention at Schafer Peak


 On top of the Tooth of Time


 Almost home


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