April 26, 2008 |
On April 26 Troop 202 scouts and adults rerouted a portion of the Palos Colorados Trail in Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland. The project involved blazing a new less steep trail with a width of about 4.5 feet. The old trail was blocked off with two fences, one on each end, and was covered with brush. Finally a small depression was filled with gravel and dirt. |
Circling up before project
Looking at what needs to be done
Safety lesson
Bringing materials to the site
Trail blazing
Tamping down trail surface
Blocking off trail
More trail blazing
Digging post holes
Hauling in gravel fill
Notching posts for beam
Filling post holes
Bringing fill gravel
Notching second post
Break time
Discussing the next steps
Pizza arrives!
Adults take a break
Attaching crossbeam
Drilling bolt holes
Bolting crossbeam
Fitting crossbeam
Bringing brush to block off old trail
More brush
New posts
Work crew at completion